Plenary sessions

PS1The Spanish citrus industry

Speaker: Luis Navarro
Centro de Protección Vegetal y Biotcnología
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)

PS2Citrus and health

Speaker: Gary Williamson
School of Food Science and Nutrition
University of Leeds

PS3The importance of citrus for the juice and beverage industry

Speaker: Ademerval Garcia
General Manager
Grove 2 Glass Trading GmbH
The Coca-Cola Company Subsidiary

PS4Food safety, social compliance and sustainability, in relation to commercial fruit and vegs strategies with special reference to citrus

Speaker: Gé Happe
European Sourcing Director Ahold
The Netherlands

PS5The experience of huanglongbing control in Brazil

Speaker: Antonio Juliano Ayres
Fundo de defesa da citricultura (FUNDECITRUS)

PS6New genetic and genomic tools for citrus breeding

Speaker: Mikeal L. Roose
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California

PS7Area-wide management of major pest insect

Speaker: Jorge Hendrichs
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nucleal Technics in Food and Agriculture